Monday, July 20, 2015

Sew Happy : )

Isn't it delicious.  I mean have you ever.  I just absolutely adore finding new places to wear my threads.  Oh that Marilyn.  Shes just gotta be adorned/adored and what better way to do it than with a custom made thread holder/slash sewing catch all in honor of that Golden Diva.  It's made out of a left over plastic flower pot that was then MOD PODGED with magazine pages.  Did you know they also make sparkle MOD PODGE.  I didn't know it at the time because if I did I surely would have used it for this.  Then for the thread spool holders I used what are called Pin-On Hooks that you can purchase from the upholstery section of the sewing center.  They are these wire hooks (some how I just don't think that Joan Crawford would approve) that are for hanging curtains but i flipped em around and hooked them on the edge of the flower pot to hold the threads.  I did have to bend them a bit to adjust them so the thread would fit better.
the hook on the left is how they come in the package.  Using pliers I adjusted the shape a bit to allow for the spool of thread to sit on it.  I saw these being used hold spools of thread in an old sewing pattern for sewing accessories that was available on Etsy and thought, Hmmmm, that's interesting.  For so long I had been wanting to make a spool holder and had looked on line for differnt ways to do it.  Usually it involved a drill or a hammer and nails.  I just wasn't wanting to get all that complicated with it all nor did I want to spend too much money on it.  I was perfectly content on leaving the spools of thread right where they were in baskets and drawers until I saw this idea with the hooks.  The Pin-On Hooks cost all of $2.49 before taxes and other than having to purchase the Mod Podge it was all very inexpensive.  I've got another project using these hooks to show later.
So until then.  SEW HAPPY  -  HAPPY MONDAY  -  whats on your make list?


  1. You're turning me on to Mod-Podge (I'd seen it years ago, and didn't see the possibilities - but you did, and thanks!).

    Enjoyed your dog food bag tote shown at MPB day 2015. Is there a tutorial on this fun and delightful project???

  2. James! It was awesome to meet you at MPB Day--thank you for introducing yourself to me! Have you blogged your dog food bag? Love your creativity.
    I recognized the hooks from hanging curtains in my house. Marilyn would approve. :)

    1. Kyle! Great to meet the creative soul behind Vacuming the lawn. What a treat. I'll put up info about the dog food bag in a couple of days. Thanks for the sashiko (drop the i) inspiration ; ). That jersey dress you made was luscious and loved your bag too.

  3. Great idea James! I have a set of these I was about to throw away.
    It was wonderful meeting you this weekend at MPB day. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog.

    1. Thanks Anna! Great meeting you too. Look forward to reading you blog too : )
